well hello, i love art. and loving art has led me to be someone who tries to create it. i used to paint a lot. now i paint maybe 1 or 2 pictures a year, and even then they are often unfinished. BUT last week i had a bit of a burning desire to paint, so i dusted off my brushes and finally finished a piece. i had been working this canvas for about 6 to 10 months [i can't remember when i got it]. so it is quite satisfying to have it done. the picture is not going to blow any minds or change the art world, but it says what i wanted to say and that's all i seek when painting.
ok, so doing this picture led to seriously think again on the nature of art and painting in particular. as an amateur, i hold no illusions about the quality of my work [it's amateurish] yet i feel a certain responsibility to justify or explain what i do. you see i mostly paint abstracted scenes with no real point of reference to the natural world. that said some of my work [like this latest picture] have direct reference to things we know, yet are rendered in such a way that they are not at all 'real' looking. they look painted.
well, because most people ask me what my pictures mean, i feel a need to explain why i create, and the intent of most of my work.
because i am a rather selfish person, i tend to create pictures that generally mean something to me, and not a lot to others. you see, when i paint i'm usually painting for the sake of painting, not for a finished picture. i find the process of applying pigment to canvas a therapeutic one and stimulating one. when i'm painting i can focus on the world of the picture and forget my daily life for a bit.
this attitude to painting has led to the majority of my work being totally abstract, and the rest being heavily abstracted. so when it comes to interpretation, i believe it is completely up to the viewer to take [or place] whatever they want. each picture has a meaning for me, but that does not mean what i see is what the picture is about. as the viewer it's you who finds what the picture is saying to you. of all the pictures i have ever painted i can only think of a few that have a specific purpose when painted, that is, i had a message in mind when creating them.
ok, so i'll try to talk more about the nature of art and what it's all about for me more, but right now i think i've said enough. thanks for listening. byebye - sye :)
ps, i don't have a digital camera, so i can't upload a pic of the pic, sorry... you'll just have to come to my place to have a look...
OMG, so I was trying to comment and I accidentally went back and lost your blog. I am so glad that I read your URL because I was thinking I would be coming back. I did have do try a couple of times to get the spelling write but I found you again.
Now that I have said THAT, happy to listen. I am also selfish. I look at art and look for my meaning. That is really important to me. I cannot always appreciate just the artist's interpretation. It has to strike something with me. Believe it or not, I am contemplating painting. But, I confess, I am no artist.
With having said THAT, please get a digital camera!! I do have goals on visiting Australia someday. However, it is not in store for me now. Take care. Will check back.
hey, thanx. i'll try to get a pic...
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